
Discipleship Training Schools


School Dates:
September 19th, 2024 - February 23rd, 2025
The Discipleship Training School (DTS) gives you an opportunity to discover your passion and your part in God’s purpose for the world. It is for those who desire to follow Jesus in deeper and new ways with a unique perspective. We find our purpose as we discover His global purpose!


School Dates:
January 9th, 2025 - May 31st, 2025
The Discipleship Training School (DTS) gives you an opportunity to discover your passion and your part in God’s purpose for the world. It is for those who desire to follow Jesus in deeper and new ways with a unique perspective. We find our purpose as we discover His global purpose!


School Dates:
September 18th, 2025 - February 7th, 2026
The Discipleship Training School (DTS) gives you an opportunity to discover your passion and your part in God’s purpose for the world. It is for those who desire to follow Jesus in deeper and new ways with a unique perspective. We find our purpose as we discover His global purpose!

DTS is a five month program blending classroom learning, small group activities, personal reflection, practical service, and community living.

School Dates:
April 3rd, 2025 - August 15th, 2025
Our goal is to see you grow in intimacy with God. We will equip you to reach the lost, care for the poor and needy, and convey Jesus’ message to a world that needs to know him. We will help disciple y ou in finding the vision that God has for your life, and how you can be a part of bringing revival that leads to a reformation in missions.

DTS is a five month program blending classroom learning, small group activities, personal reflection, practical service, and community living.

School Dates:
June 19th, 2025 - November 7th, 2025
Our goal is to see you grow in intimacy with God. We will equip you to reach the lost, care for the poor and needy, and convey Jesus’ message to a world that needs to know him

DTS is a five month program blending classroom learning, small group activities, personal reflection, practical service, and community living.

School Dates:
January 8th, 2026 - May 29th, 2026
Our goal is to see you grow in intimacy with God. We will equip you to reach the lost, care for the poor and needy, and convey Jesus’ message to a world that needs to know him.

DTS is a five month program blending classroom learning, small group activities, personal reflection, practical service, and community living.

School Dates:
April 2nd, 2026 - August 21st, 2026
Our goal is to see you grow in intimacy with God. We will equip you to reach the lost, care for the poor and needy, and convey Jesus’ message to a world that needs to know him.

DTS is a five month program blending classroom learning, small group activities, personal reflection, practical service, and community living.

School Dates:
June 18th, 2026 - November 6th, 2026
Our goal is to see you grow in intimacy with God. We will equip you to reach the lost, care for the poor and needy, and convey Jesus’ message to a world that needs to know him.

DTS is a five month program blending classroom learning, small group activities, personal reflection, practical service, and community living.

School Dates:
September 17th, 2026 - February 5th, 2027
Our goal is to see you grow in intimacy with God. We will equip you to reach the lost, care for the poor and needy, and convey Jesus’ message to a world that needs to know him.

Second Level Training Schools

Come and experience the Word of God

School Dates:
September 19th, 2024 - June 29th, 2025
SBS is a 9 month school going through the Bible 5 times!

The Biblical Teaching and Preaching School (BTPS) is a 24-week course.

School Dates:
April 3rd, 2025 - September 19th, 2025
The Biblical Teaching and Preaching School (BTPS) is a 24-week course that gives students training and practical experience in ministering the Word of God in a variety of ministry contexts.

Transforming leaders for a world touched by Jesus, with passion, vision, and practical wisdom to reach the nations, impacting every sphere of society.

School Dates:
September 19th, 2024 - November 1st, 2024
The goal is not only to expand your vision but give practical leadership understanding, skills, and tools.

We want to make the Bible the student’s companion for life!

School Dates:
January 9th, 2025 - April 4th, 2025
The student will discover the unified story of the Bible, be discipled by the Bible and will fall in love with the Author of the Bible.

This school seeks to answer the question, 'How do we stir up a culture of prayer and worship? How do we do that in our hearts, neighbourhoods and unreached nations of the earth?'

School Dates:
January 9th, 2025 - April 4th, 2025
The School of Worship and Prayer is a 12 week school, with six weeks of lectures and six weeks of internship in our prayer room.

A 9 month course in which you get to see the bigger picture of God’s Word. An overview of the entire Bible will help you understand how it’s one story through scripture.

School Dates:
September 18th, 2025 - June 30th, 2026
A 9 month course in which you get to see the bigger picture of God’s Word. An overview of the entire Bible will help you understand how it’s one story through scripture.

The School of Worship and Prayer is a 12 Week school gathering around the question, “How do we stir up a culture of prayer and worship in our hearts, neighborhoods and nation?”

School Dates:
January 8th, 2026 - April 3rd, 2026
Do you have a desire to encounter God? Do you have a hunger for His presence? Do you want to learn more about prayer, the prophetic, being lead by His Spirit? Then this is the school for you!

Looking for a YWAM school about counseling tools and inner healing? The Foundations for Counseling Ministry (FCM) course is a great option!

School Dates:
September 18th, 2025 - December 12th, 2025
The purpose of the FCM is to equip students with tools to become active in ministry, applying what they have learned to extend the Kingdom of God.

Looking for a YWAM school about counseling tools and inner healing? The Foundations for Counseling Ministry (FCM) course is a great option!

School Dates:
September 17th, 2026 - December 11th, 2026
The purpose of the FCM is to equip students with tools to become active in ministry, applying what they have learned to extend the Kingdom of God.

Calling on all future Bible teachers: Do you want to be raised up as a DBS Teacher? Has God called you to teach His Word but are not sure how to get started? Do you have a love for God’s Word and a desire to share it with others?

School Dates:
January 8th, 2026 - January 30th, 2026
The DBS world is a growing network of Bible schools training students around the world to know and share God’s story. But as the school multiplies, there is also a growing need for more teachers.

The School of Biblical Studies is a nine-month course in which you get to see the bigger picture of God’s Word, understanding the overview of the whole Bible, and how it is one story.

School Dates:
September 17th, 2026 - June 4th, 2027
A nine-month course focused on studying all 66 books of the Bible through the Inductive Method.

Entertaining seeks to impress people. But true hospitality seeks to bless people.

School Dates:
June 19th, 2025 - July 4th, 2025
In Youth With A Mission, practising hospitality is one of our key foundational values. It’s not just folding napkins, and it’s not just for women! It’s a shift in mindset from impressing others, to de eply impacting their hearts. But it starts with you.

A 3 month program designed to equip School of Biblical Studies graduates to become teachers and send them to places which are in desperate need of Bible teaching.

School Dates:
July 10th, 2025 - October 3rd, 2025
The Goal is to equip the church in Africa with tools for studying the Bible for themselves. We target places with limited access to Bible teaching.